Friday, October 9, 2020

Shadowlands: Covenant Battle Pets

List of all Shadowlands battle pets that require a specific Covenant to obtain, and any additional requirements.

AFAIK, all of these pets can be summoned on any toon regardless of Covenant status, except Renown pets. Renown pets can only be summoned by members of their associated Covenant.

Note: There are 8 pets (marked with an asterisk* in each list) shared and available across all Covenants. How they're obtained will vary for each Covenant.


  • Ruffle - Renown 27
  • Grubby - Kyrian Campaign
final quest of the A Vessel of Ardenweald storyline
  • Indigo - Sanctum Feature, Path of Ascension (tier 3)
  • Larion Pouncer - Sanctum Feature, Anima Conductor (tier 3)

channel anima stream to Citadel of Loyalty

  • Lost Featherling - World drop from Citadel of Loyalty mobs
  • Steward Featherling - Sanctum Feature, Path of Ascension (tier 1)

requires Inside the Park Home Run achievement 

  • Bloodfeaster Spiderling* - Sanctum Feature, Path of Ascension (tier 1)

requires Itsy Bitsy Fighters achievement

  • Brightscale Hatchling* - Sanctum Feature, Path of Ascension (tier 2)
  • Corpulent Bonetusk* - Sanctum Feature, Path of Ascension (tier 1)

requires Itsy Bitsy Fighters achievement

  • Dusty Sporeflutterer* - Sanctum Feature, Path of Ascension (tier 3)
  • Pearlwing Heron* - Sanctum Feature, Path of Ascension (tier 1)

requires The Hoot of the Issue achievement

  • Plaguelouse Larva* - ??
  • Sable* - Sanctum Feature, Path of Ascension (tier 1)

requires Charmed, I'm Sure achievement

  • Violet Dredwing Pup* - Sanctum Feature, Path of Ascension (tier 1)

requires Curse of Thirst achievement


TL;DR - Need to do for Kyrian pets:

  • Earn Renown 27
  • Complete "A Vessel of Ardenweald" storyline
  • Path of Ascension Tier 1, 2, 3
  • Anima Conductor Tier 3
  • Achievements from Path of Ascension (may require upgrading past Tier 1)



  • Jiggles - Renown 27
  • Backbone - Sanctum Feature, Abomination Factory (tier 2)
  • Mu'dud - Sanctum Feature, Abomination Factory (tier 4)
  • Bloodfeaster Spiderling* - Sanctum Feature, Abomination Factory (tier 1)

requires Honored with Stitchmasters faction (Necrolord sub-faction)

  • Brightscale Hatchling* - Sanctum Feature, Abomination Factory (tier 1)

requires Honored with Stitchmasters faction (Necrolord sub-faction)

  • Corpulent Bonetusk* - Sanctum Feature, Abomination Factory (tier 1)

requires Honored with Stitchmasters faction (Necrolord sub-faction)

  • Dusty Sporeflutterer* - Sanctum Feature, Abomination Factory (tier 1)

requires Honored with Stitchmasters faction (Necrolord sub-faction)

  • Pearlwing Heron* - Sanctum Feature, Abomination Factory (tier 1)

requires Honored with Stitchmasters faction (Necrolord sub-faction)

  • Plaguelouse Larva* - Sanctum Feature, Abomination Factory (tier 1)

requires Honored with Stitchmasters faction (Necrolord sub-faction)

  • Sable* - Sanctum Feature, Abomination Factory (tier 1)

requires Honored with Stitchmasters faction (Necrolord sub-faction)

  • Violet Dredwing Pup* - Sanctum Feature, Abomination Factory (tier 1)

requires Honored with Stitchmasters faction (Necrolord sub-faction)


TL;DR - Need to do for Necrolord pets:

  • Earn Renown 27
  • Abomination Factory Tier 1, 2, 4
  • At least Honored with Stitchmasters




  • Trootie - Renown 27
  • Fun Guss - Unlock a vendor by completing storylines

requires Friendly with Marasmius faction (Night Fae sub-faction)

  • Fuzzy Shimmermoth - Unlock a vendor by completing storylines

requires Friendly with Marasmius faction (Night Fae sub-faction)

  • Gloober, as G'huun - Sanctum Feature, Anima Conductor (tier 1)
                    requires participation in at least 2 different Star Lake Amphitheater performances
  • Leafadore - Sanctum Feature, Anima Conductor (tier 1)

requires participation in at least 3 different Star Lake Amphitheater performances

  • Sir Reginald - Unlock a vendor by completing storylines

requires Friendly with Marasmius faction (Night Fae sub-faction)

  • Stemmins - Vendor

requires Friendly with Court of Night faction (Night Fae sub-faction)

  • Willowbreeze - Vendor

requires Friendly with Court of Night faction (Night Fae sub-faction)

  • Bloodfeaster Spiderling* - Sanctum Feature, Queen's Conservatory (tier 2)
  • Brightscale Hatchling* - Sanctum Feature, Queen's Conservatory (tier 2)
  • Corpulent Bonetusk* - Sanctum Feature, Queen's Conservatory (tier 2)
  • Dusty Sporeflutterer* - Sanctum Feature, Queen's Conservatory (tier 2)
  • Pearlwing Heron* - Sanctum Feature, Queen's Conservatory (tier 2)
  • Plaguelouse Larva* - Sanctum Feature, Queen's Conservatory (tier 2)
  • Sable* - Sanctum Feature, Queen's Conservatory (tier 2)
  • Violet Dredwing Pup* - Sanctum Feature, Queen's Conservatory (tier 2)


TL;DR - Need to do for Night Fae pets:

  • Earn Renown 27
  • Anima Conductor Tier 1
  • Queen's Conservatory Tier 2
  • Transport Network Tier 1
  • At least Friendly with Marasmius
  • At least Friendly with Court of Night




  • Sinheart - Renown 27
  • Battie - Vendor

requires Revered with The Ember Court (Venthyr sub-faction)

  • Char - Sanctum Feature, The Ember Court (tier ?)
  • Dredger Butler - Sanctum Feature, The Ember Court (tier 2)
  • Stony - Sanctum Feature, Transport Network (tier 3)
  • Bloodfeaster Spiderling* - Sanctum Feature, The Ember Court (tier 3)
  • Brightscale Hatchling* - Sanctum Feature, The Ember Court (tier 3)
  • Corpulent Bonetusk* - Sanctum Feature, The Ember Court (tier 3)
  • Dusty Sporeflutterer* - Sanctum Feature, The Ember Court (tier 3)
  • Pearlwing Heron* - Sanctum Feature, The Ember Court (tier 3)
  • Plaguelouse Larva* - Sanctum Feature, The Ember Court (tier 3)
  • Sable* - Sanctum Feature, The Ember Court (tier 3)
  • Violet Dredwing Pup* - Sanctum Feature, The Ember Court (tier 3)


TL;DR - Need to do for Venthyr pets:

  • Earn Renown 27
  • The Ember Court Tier 2, 3
  • Transport Network Tier 3
  • At least Revered with The Ember Court

*CLOSED* - My WarcraftPets 10yr Anniversary Giveaway

Giveaway has ended. Keep this post up for for posterity's sake.

@KerynWeylan - NA
@stormcrowned- EU



10 years ago I officially joined the WarcraftPets admin team. To celebrate a decade of volunteering I'm giving away one(1) Gryphon Hatchling code (NA-region) and one(1) Blizzard Store pet (EU-region).

The Gryphon Hatchling battle pet was part of a plushie-pet bundle sold from the Blizzard Store. They've since discontinued it, and it's unknown if/when either will be made available again.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Shadowlands: Battle Pets Details

Consolidating details on Shadowlands battle pets. All info from Beta and is subject to change.

Full list of New Shadowlands battle pets:

Full list of Datamined Shadowlands battle pets:

Total Shadowlands Pets

Notes: *For Now* (see this Muffinus Tweet)

Family Breakdown
Dragonkin - 0
Mechanical - 1
Aquatic - 3
Humanoid - 8
Elemental - 12
Magic - 14
Undead - 19
Critter - 22
Beast - 22
Flying - 34 (+1?)

Notes: The question marks indicate the number of pets that are missing/hidden in the Pet Journal but could still be available in the future.


Wild Pets
Total: 25

Ardenweald - 6
Bastion - 8
Maldraxxus - 6
Revendreth - 5


Polished Pet Charms Needed
5250 PPC
- to buy twenty vendor pets @ 250 each + one item @ 250 for a crafted pet
Note: This value is if you acquire 8 shared Covenant pets only from the Kyrian Covenant, assuming the 3 missing Kyrian vendor pets can be unlocked later and purchased with charms


3250 PPC
- to buy twelve vendor pets
@ 250 each + one item @ 250 for a crafted pet
Note: This value is if you acquire 8 shared Covenant pets from any other Covenant other than Kyrian


Other Currency Needed
20 Argent Commendation (pre-patch)
99+ Infused Rubies
1000 Sinstone Fragments
25 Malleable Flesh
14000 Reservoir Anima (or 6000 Anima if you acquire eight pets from any other Covenant other than Necrolord)
120 Grateful Offering

Notes: Might need more than 99 Infused Rubies. I haven't been able to confirm, but testing on Beta leads me to believe that Venthyr members will need to buy
Hand Crafted Mirror Repair Kit (20 rubies each) to repair broken mirrors for one of the battle pets.


Pets with Multiple Appearances
Crawbat (3 colors)
Dredger Butler (4 colors - can only collect 1)
Invertebrate Oil (2 colors)
Iridescent Ooze (3 colors, possible color-changer)
PHA7-YNX (3 colors )

Creative Commons License
Perks N Peeves by Quintessence is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.