Erris the Collector decided that my garrison on the PTR was worth visiting today, and I found her near my Menagerie. It looks like her appearance is random per character, as my alts didn't see her in their garrison.

She had a daily quest called Critters of Draenor (appeared to be account-wide). Completing the daily rewarded 3 leveling stones and
Traveler's Pet Supplies. You cannot challenge her to a Pet Battle again after turning in the quest. Seems to be your standard Pet Battle daily, right? Well there are some things that make this battle a little unique.
Nevermind the fact that Erris the Collector will not be in your garrison every day (I didn't see her until today), but her pets seem to have random (but not so random) abilities. Whether or not she has the same set of pets each time she visits, I don't know. Hopefully she'll come by again soon so I can find out!
Erris' pets this time around were Enbi'see (uncommon - Draenor peacock), Mal (uncommon - Draenor firefly), and Bones (rare - Bone Serpent). All level 25. Their qualities and breeds stayed the same for each match.
I challenged her team a total of 15 times (without completing the quest), and each time her pets had slightly different movesets. Although it seemed random at first, it turns out that they pull from their pool of six possible attacks.
Below is the list of each match and the pet's moveset for each encounter, followed by the list of their six possible abilities. It should also be noted that although they have multiple choices, certain abilities are "locked" into a slot. Hawk Eye never appeared as Enbi'see's third attack slot, for example, and only as her second.
1.) Quills, Hawk Eye, Reckless Strike
2.) Peck, Hawk Eye, Drain Blood
3.) Peck, Accuracy, Reckless Strike
4.) Peck, Hawk Eye, Reckless Strike
5.) Peck, Accuracy, Drain Blood
6.) Quills, Hawk Eye, Reckless Strike
7.) Quills, Accuracy, Reckless Strike
8.) Quills, Hawk Eye, Reckless Strike
9.) Peck, Hawk Eye, Drain Blood
10.) Quills, Hawk Eye, Reckless Strike
11.) Quills, Hawk Eye, Reckless Strike
12.) Quills, Accuracy, Reckless Strike
13.) Peck, Hawk Eye, Reckless Strike
14.) Quills, Accuracy, Drain Blood
15.) Quills, Accuracy, Drain Blood
Possible abilities: Quills or Peck (slot 1), Hawk Eye or Accuracy (slot 2), Reckless Strike or Drain Blood (slot 3)
1.) Alpha Strike, Puncture Wound, Nimbus
2.) Alpha Strike, Puncture Wound, Flyby
3.) Alpha Strike, Puncture Wound, Flyby
4.) Alpha Strike, Puncture Wound, Nimbus
5.) Barbed Stinger, Lift-Off, Flyby
6.) Barbed Stinger, Puncture Wound, Nimbus
7.) Barbed Stinger, Puncture Wound, Flyby
8.) Barbed Stinger, Puncture Wound, Nimbus
9.) Alpha Strike, Puncture Wound, Nimbus
10.) Alpha Strike, Lift-Off, Flyby
11.) Barbed Stinger, Puncture Wound, Nimbus
12.) Barbed Stinger, Lift-Off, Nimbus
13.) Barbed Stinger, Lift-Off, Nimbus
14.) Alpha Strike, Lift-Off, Nimbus
15.) Alpha Strike, Lift-Off, Nimbus
Possible abilities: Alpha Strike or Barbed Stinger (slot 1), Puncture Wound or Lift-Off (slot 2), Nimbus or Flyby (slot 3)
1.) Bone Barrage, Call Darkness, Nocturnal Strike
2.) Bone Barrage, Death and Decay, Nocturnal Strike
3.) Consume, Call Darkness, Nocturnal Strike
4.) Consume, Call Darkness, Lift-Off
5.) Consume, Call Darkness, Lift-Off
6.) Bone Barrage, Call Darkness, Nocturnal Strike
7.) Bone Barrage, Death and Decay, Nocturnal Strike
8.) Consume, Death and Decay, Lift-Off
9.) Bone Barrage, Call Darkness, Nocturnal Strike
10.) Consume, Call Darkness, Lift-Off
11.) Consume, Death and Decay, Nocturnal Strike
12.) Consume, Death and Decay, Lift-Off
13.) Consume, Death and Decay, Nocturnal Strike
14.) Bone Barrage, Death and Decay, Nocturnal Strike
15.) Consume, Call Darkness, Lift-Off
Possible abilities: Bone Barrage or Consume (slot 1), Call Darkness or Death and Decay (slot 2), Nocturnal Strike or Lift-Off (slot 3)
I didn't have any problem defeating Erris' team; the battle was straightforward. It could be challenging for someone with only a few max level pets and limited knowledge of the strong and weak mechanics in Pet Battles, but for a veteran Pet Battler, the fight should be a quick win.
The Traveler's Pet Supplies dropped
Pocket Lint x4 and
Battle Pet Bandage x3. It could be that the bag's (better) rewards are not yet implemented or just bad RNG on my part. For a daily that doesn't appear every day, I wonder if heavy RNG drops is a good idea. I could see it getting frustrating receiving nothing but bandages and vendor items from an NPC that I might need to wait days or weeks for. Especially if
there are new pets that drop from this bag.
Well, we'll have to see. It might not be that bad and/or Erris might make frequent visits. Everything is subject to tweaking and change. It's the PTR afterall!
Regardless, it's nice to see some new PVE content coming in 6.1.
Lastly, whichever developer decided to name Erris' (Draenor) firefly Mal, you ROCK! :D
EDIT: Much like her appearance at your garrison, her pet team is random per visit. @Mononic1 had a different set of pets to battle.