I haven't been able to confirm all of the following battle pets for alternate colors/skins, but here are the datamined results so far. All 9.2 pets listed are wild.

Bloodsucker Vespoid - 3 colors
I haven't been able to confirm all of the following battle pets for alternate colors/skins, but here are the datamined results so far. All 9.2 pets listed are wild.
Bloodsucker Vespoid - 3 colors
After finally diving into the Kyrian's Path of Ascension, I think I've figured out how this Sanctum Feature works and how to collect the 2 exclusive pets from it.
Here's a (hopefully quick) explanation of what you'll need to do to collect these battle pets.
Some things to note:
Feel free to correct me if any of the following is incorrect. I took a long break between upgrading T1 and T2 (to save up AP for additional upgrades), so it wouldn't surprise me if I got some steps wrong.
Steward Featherling -
1. Build T1 Path of Ascension.
2. Do the quest chain that follows, which will unlock 3(I think?) bosses: Kalisthene, Echthra, and Alderyn & Myn'r. (If only the first 2 unlock, defeat them on Courage difficulty first, and then unlock the third.)
3. Defeat these 3 bosses on Courage difficulty.
4. Craft any equipment blueprints that you can.
5. Build T2 Path of Ascension.
6. New quests will unlock 3 more bosses: Nuuminuuru, Craven Corinth, Spliterbark Nightmare.
7. Defeat these 3 bosses on Courage difficulty.
8. After you've defeated all 6 on Courage difficulty, defeat Kalisthene on Loyalty difficulty.
9. New quests to unlock 3 more bosses, but you're only interested in one: Athanos.
10. Challenge Athanos (Courage difficulty) after unlocking him. I went with this strategy.
11. Complete the achievement, Inside the Park Home Run, and you'll be able to purchase the Steward Featherling from the Path of Ascension pet vendor for 250 charms.
Achievement tips: Use the strategy linked above, but instead of avoiding Athanos' Power Swing ability, stand just almost out of range of it at least 5 times. The closer you are to Athanos when Power Swing goes off, the further you'll get knocked back. If Power Swing just barely touches you, it won't knock you as far and you won't need to worry about getting flung off the platform. Kite and kill once you've been hit by Power Swing 5 times, while avoiding the charge and additional Power Swings.
(It's unknown if this achievement is bugged since it can be completed on Courage difficulty even though it states Wisdom.)
Indigo -
1. Build T1 and T2 Path of Ascension.
2. Defeat all unlocked bosses (should be 9 of them, doesn't include Azaruux) on Courage difficulty.
3. Built T3 Path of Ascension.
4. Defeat Kalisthene, Echthra, Alderyn & Myn'ir, Nuuminuuru, Craven Corinth, Splinterbark, and Thran'tiok on Loyalty difficulty. Wisdom difficulty should be unlocked.
5. Defeat Alderyn and Myn'ir on Wisdom difficulty and Indigo is the reward. I used the Courage strategy for the Wisdom encounter.
There are 3 pets coming in Patch 9.1 that won't cost gold or Polished Pet Charms (although there is a 4th pet that *will* cost 10k PPC), but instead junk items. Each pet will require 3 old world grey items (1 of each item). Think of it as a sort of scavenger hunt. It's a unique and refreshing mechanic vs. the usual spend gold/charms for vendor pets.
Since they're vendor trash, finding these items should be a no-brainer, right? Sure, except the revamped world-scaling kind of messed up certain loot tables, and players that aren't level appropriate for these old world greys won't see them drop in most cases. So it's a bit of a puzzle/search.
After some testing on *live* servers, I've determined where to find each of the junk items. All the items were collected on a max level character, except for one. I also needed a rogue to pickpocket mobs. There are probably other ways of collecting these items, but this is what I found worked for me.
I make no guarantee that the loot tables and droprates will stay the same between now and 9.1 release. Blizzard might adjust anything that they see fit.
Hidden behind the jump break, just in case you don't want spoilers and want to figure it out on your own. ;)
List of money raised from battle pet (and accompanying plush toys) charity fundraisers over the years:
Estimated total: $16,000,808* (updated April 2021 to include Bananas & Daisy)
*includes money raised from sales of non-battle pet items
Happy Year of the Ox! Wishing you good health, prosperity, and happiness. May RNG be in your favor.