- Players can earn the exclusive Armored Murloc pet for their live characters.for the full faq: click me!
- Players who participate in at least 50 rated tournament games on one character and with the same team during the last four weeks of the online qualifier will be eligible for the Armored Murloc pet for their live characters.
remember that the catch is you must play 50 rated games during the LAST FOUR WEEKS of the online qualifier. the arena tournie as also only for 3v3, so you'll need two others in order to create a team and enter. one last thing, if you leave your team for any reason or switch during the last four weeks, your previous games will be void and you'll have to start over again and re-work your way up to 50 rated matches.
as much as i love murky and all forms of the cute little guy, i've already spent enough money for the next few months. plus PVP is just not my thing :P